FMCSA Clearinghouse Driver Registration Assistance
All companies with FMCSA Covered CDL holder drivers must be registered in the FMCSA Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse
Call To Open A Business Account
Registering for the Clearinghouse
If you are a member of the One Stop Wellness MD’s FMCSA Consortium and you/your company are NOT registered for the FMCSA Clearinghouse and/or the FMCSA Portal and require assistance, login to your customer portal and click on the button “Request Clearinghouse Registration Assistance” and you will receive an email confirmation and details on scheduling your time with one of our FMCSA Clearinghouse specialists. If you are not a member of our consortium but would like one on one assistance then email us at [email protected] and one of our specialists will help you.
Managing Your Clearinghouse Responsibilities
During the process of signing up as a member of our FMCSA consortium you will have the option to have One Stop Wellness MD manage your compliance responsibilities for the Clearinghouse. This will cover all pre-employment, annual queries and reporting violations for all your active drivers.
When asking for One Stop Wellness MD to manage this for you and you are already registered in the Clearinghouse you must select all the functions for the C/TPA in your Clearinghouse account. We will then be able to Report Violations, Report RTD (Return To Duty) Information, and Conduct Queries for your required annual query for each driver as well as full queries for prospective employees.
If your drivers require a Pre-Employment drug test, they will also require a full query in the FMCSA Clearinghouse.
After the pre-employment/full query is conducted an email will be sent to the email address associated with the driver’s CDL number in the FMCSA/CDL database and their FMCSA Clearinghouse account.
Please ask the driver to immediately find that email and follow the instructions to give consent to the query.
Make sure the driver has registered with the FMCSA Clearinghouse and has verified their CDL number in their Clearinghouse profile. Have the driver log in to his or her Clearinghouse account. If the driver has not verified his or her CDL information, there will be a message on his or her Driver Dashboard with next steps prompting them to do so. Once the driver has verified their CDL, the pending consent request should display on their Driver Dashboard. Contact us at [email protected] if you require any assistance with this.
Once the driver has given their consent the completed query result will show up in the driver’s and in your (the employer’s) Clearinghouse account. This is a requirement to place the driver in service.
Whether you need help with your existing Clearinghouse registration or you are starting from scratch we are here to help.
For more information on One Stop Wellness as a DOT drug testing consortium, contact us now!
Company Registration
$49.95 Enrollment and renewal fee per year
Add Drivers
$15.00 Create and maintain a file per driver
DOT Random Drug Test
$76 Reduced Cost for mandated random drug test.
DOT Drug Test
$78 Pre-Employment and Re-Activate existing driver drug tests
DOT Random Alcohol Breath Test
$76.00 Reduced price for random BAT
Breath Alcohol Test
$78.00 Includes any Breath Alcohol Test (BAT) that is not a random test
Supervisor Training Certificate Course – Members
$59.00 FREE for new registrations of 5 or more drivers
Supervisor Training Certificate Course to NON-Members
$65.00 DOT Approved Supervisor Training Course Available to NON-Members
Post-Accident/Emergency After Hours Drug Test
$107 The listed price is the cost of the test only for in-network, in clinic collection.
Onsite collection is available and will be an additional charge above the cost of the test. Emergency dispatch is available 24/7 (See the Rate Sheet for more details).
Observed Drug Tests
$107 Includes, Reasonable Suspicion, Return to Duty and Follow up tests.
Donor requested split sample drug test (after positive result)
$200.00 When a urine drug test returns a positive result the donor has the right to request in writing to the MRO to have the split portion of their specimen tested (if available) within 72 hours of being notified by the MRO of the positive result.
Collection site Fee
Included if an in-network collection site is chosen (see the Rate Sheet for more details)
Clearinghouse Registration
$87.00 Clearinghouse Registration Assistance. One of our FMCSA Clearinghouse experts will help you one on one.
Manage FMCSA Clearinghouse Queries
$16 Labworks USA’s team will conduct Clearinghouse Queries, including; pre-employment and annual We will report any violations and return to duty test results. Per driver per year.
DOT Physical Test
$95.00 DOT Physical for medical certificate