One Stop Wellness offers multiple vaccine services to keep you and your family protected. Vaccines are an extremely important aspect of wellness and public health. Call for Vaccine Pricing.
Flu is a contagious disease that spreads around the United States every year, usually between October and May. Anyone can get the flu. Each year thousands of people in the United States die from flu, and many more are hospitalized.
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Vaccines include:
Influenza, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis A &B, Meningitis, Tdap, Polio & Pneumonia
Flu Vaccine
Prevents millions of illnesses and flu-related visits to the doctor each year. CDC recommends everyone 6 months of age and older get vaccinated every flu season. It takes about 2 weeks for protection to develop after vaccination.
TDAP Vaccine
Diphtheria and pertussis spread from person to person. Tetanus enters the body through cuts or wounds. Each of these conditions can lead to serious health problems. Adults who have never received Tdap should get an initial dose of Tdap, and should receive a booster dose every 10 years, or earlier in the case of a severe and dirty wound or burn. Booster doses can be either Tdap or Td (a different vaccine that protects against tetanus and diphtheria but not pertussis).
Varicella Vaccine
Varicella vaccine, also known as chickenpox vaccine, is a vaccine that protects against chickenpox. One dose of vaccine prevents 95% of moderate disease and 100% of severe disease. Two doses of vaccine are more effective than one. If given to those who are not immune within five days of exposure to chickenpox it prevents most cases of disease.
Employers can setup a business account today. Your employees can obtain everything they need to ensure they are compliant for work, LiveScan Fingerprinting- Coming soon!